Sunday, November 30, 2008

Getting Ready for Open Studio

I spent Saturday hanging my paintings for Open Studio 2008 at the Sanchez Art Center in Pacifica, CA. Today I labeled my work & met other artists. I'm pleased with my work and location in the EAST WING. I'm hoping for a good turnout with people ready to buy artwork.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Near Shamrock Ranch

This afternoon I found this pasture with dramatic shadows, and a bit of light left late in the day. I had to hurry to capture what was left of the sun in this shaded canyon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In the Fog at Rockaway Beach

I painted alone in the fog for some time. Finally a couple Peninsula Outdoor Painters (POPs) joined me at the scheduled paintout. There were about 10 people painting from the north parking area where it was more protected.

I had just enough body heat left to do a second painting after a kind painting colleague gave me a cup of coffee. By the time I looked for the group to have lunch, everyone was finished, had packed up, and was driving away! I never got to see the other work.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pedro Point Field

This painting was done in two sittings. On the first day, the fog rolled in and stayed for a week. Finally another clear day made it possible to complete this project.