Although I was not juried into the 50-50 IV Show, I continue on my exploration with Pysanky eggs. Here are some of my latest experiments.
Acid Wash Egg |
I used dark dyes with a wax resist, then bathed the egg in a vinegar solution that allowed the color on the unwaxed areas to be released. It is wiped, then the remaining wax is melted off giving this result. It reminds me of scrimshaw.
Cabbage Patch Egg |
This egg was inspired from my magnificent vegetable garden. I forgot to wax over my dark green dye layer, and ended up with an egg a bit different than I envisioned. Sometimes it is hard to remember what the design looks like as the egg gets covered over with more and more black was. I'll do another get closer to my vision.
Constellation Egg |
I let the raised calcium dimples on this egg inspire the design, covering the yellow bumps with wax as a first step. The reminded me of a constellation of stars, and the design evolved.